“Canned” BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches

"Canned" BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Common method to use canned pork.
This is a low budget recipe specifically for using commodity canned pork. No measurements, except for the canned pork, given, as this is a make as much as you want recipe.
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes
Course Lunch, Main Dish
Cuisine American


  • 1 can pork, or more cans, (1½ lb / 24 oz / 680 g each can)
  • BBQ sauce, your choice
  • hamburger buns, or bread of your choice
  • dill pickle slices, optional, as desired
  • cheese, optional, as desired


  • Open and drain a can of pork. Place pork in a saucepan and scrape off and discard any fat. Break up pork with sturdy spoon and place on medium heat. I used 2 cans of pork as I was feeding a get together of 5 people.
  • Once the pork is heated through, add BBQ sauce as you desire and stir that in. Stir often until pork is heated through.
  • Serve on hamburger buns or bread of your choice, with optional cheese and or pickles. Enjoy.


Low cost per serving.
  1. 5 stars
    Thank you for this I am going to try it tomorrow. I did not have any idea what to do with canned pork that I was blessed with during covid

    • Thank you Jessica for stopping by, this is a basic meal but filling and satisfying. There is several more recipes I have made listed in the Pork – Canned category. I look forward to your review of this.

  2. 5 stars
    This is a easy, no headache, affordable meal to make for yourself & have leftovers for the work week, or to feed a family of 4/5 for dinner.

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