Paneer Cheese from Milk

Paneer Cheese from Milk

Adapted from an internet recipe.
Use the Cottage cheese recipe on this site, Paneer is basically a dried out version of Cottage Cheese. This cheese won't melt or get gooey the way Mozzarella or Cheddar will, but with Paneer, this is actually an advantage. Because it won't melt, we can stir chunks into a soup or creamy curry, crumble it over a flatbreads, or even skewer cubes onto kebabs and the cheese will keep its shape and chewy texture.
Servings 3 cups


  • 1 Cottage cheese recipe from this site


  • Instead of draining the whey off in our Cottage cheese recipe, line the colander with cheesecloth.
  • After the whey and curds have separated, about 10-20 minutes after the vinegar or lemon juice was added, pour into the cheesecloth line colander and let it drain for 10-20 minutes.
  • After it has drained, take up the corners of the cheesecloth and gently squeeze any whey out, place the cheesecloth with the curds inside still, on a plate, form into a round or square shape. Place another plate on top and set several large heavy canned items in the top plate to press the Paneer. Leave the canned items on the plate for about an hour then refrigerate the bottom plate with the Paneer still in the cheesecloth.
  • Once it is pressed and chilled, it is done and ready for use. Use in a recipe or refrigerate for up to 2 days.
Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese

Adapted from an internet recipe.
This is also known as Farmers Cheese, Ricotta Cheese, and if more dry and pressed, then it is called Paneer. Regardless of the name, this is a easy to make shortcut. Cottage Cheese and Ricotta Cheese can be used interchangeably in most recipes. True Ricotta Cheese is made from just from the whey and just a finer, drier curd than Cottage Cheese. The rule of thumb here is 1 cup of Cottage Cheese from 1 liter (quart) of milk.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 3 cups, approximate


  • 3 liters whole milk, do not use UHT milk, (3 quarts)
  • ½ cup white vinegar, or lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon salt, optional


  • Heat the milk in a large pot, if you have a thermometer, you are looking for 88° C (190° F), if no thermometer, heat the milk until you see bubbles on the sides and remove from heat.
  • After removing from the heat, gently stir the milk and slowly add the vinegar, once the vinegar is added, stop stirring and allow the milk to cool, about 30 minutes.
  • When cooled, pour the mixture, which is now curds and whey into a fine mesh colander and drain off the whey into another pot, allow to drain for about an hour. You can also line the colander with a clean cloth, cheesecloth, or a paper towel. I used a metal strainer with tiny holes, not a mesh strainer, use a spoon and move around in the curd, along the bottom of the strainer and the whey will drain, let it sit in the strainer for an hour or so, use the spoon every 5-10 minutes.
  • Pour the curds, this is the cheese part into a bowl, add salt and mix or enjoy or use as is in a recipe that calls for Cottage Cheese or Ricotta Cheese or as a side dish. Can be stored in the fridge for 2-3 days. In this photo you can see the cheese has thickened up as the whey is draining, and you can see the holes in the strainer.
  • For the firmer 'Farmer's Cheese' used in recipes, once you have the cottage cheese strained, line a large bowl with 2 or 3 layers of cheese cloth and pour in the strained cottage cheese, gather up the corners and tie that into a bag shape. Place a cutting board in your sink, place the tied up bag of cottage cheese on the cutting board, place another cutting board or large place on top of the bag, place some heavy canned goods on the top cutting board or plate to force out the remaining whey. After a few hours, Farmer's Cheese.
  • If using this as an ingredient, say for lasagna or another dish, use as is. If using as a side dish, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and mix that in.


The yield from 3 liters of whole milk is about 3 cups of cheese. Cost for this is 55 Baht for a 946 ml carton of Meiji brand milk (just call it a liter and go with that) 3 cartons is 165 Baht, or about $4.85 for 3 cups of Cottage cheese. You can use the whey to make stock, use in place of milk or water in soup recipes and baking recipes, feed it to animals, and even water plants with it. If you refrigerate this, it will become quite stiff, add some milk and stir, you will have perfect Cottage cheese.
Used in Recipes Listed on this Site: