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Welcome to our Wiki

This is the information part of the website, and a wiki seems to be the best way for me to display a large amount of information in an easier format to store, view, and even search for information.

You may have gotten here by clicking the link in the menu bar of the recipe site or clicked a link in a recipe in order to get more information on a topic, either way, thanks for checking this out and furthering your knowledge.

Moving to a foreign culture is a real eye opener and can seem overwhelming at times. Having lived in Japan for 13 years, then moving to Thailand, sometimes cooking can be quite a challenge.

Much of what I present here is for information for those living in Asia as well as in the United States. And to further many of the recipes with where items can be found, used, prepared, etc.

I created this wiki on 5 Jan 2020 and had all the data imported on 6 Jan. As I make additions from 7 Jan on, I will include a signature with a date on when it was added.


Lee Thayer 2020/01/07 10:14

start.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/05 20:03 by Lee Thayer

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