Boiled Cuttlefish

Boiled Cuttlefish

Rrayada Thayer, Thailand.
This is a Thai dish, and the cuttlefish is just rinsed and cooked whole. I have eaten these and they are very good.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Lunch, Main Dish
Cuisine Thai
Servings 4 servings


  • 1 kilo fresh cuttlefish, (2 lb)
  • 5-6 shallots, peeled and smashed
  • salt, as desired


  • Rinse the cuttlefish. Fill a pot about half full of water, add the shallots and bring to a boil.
  • When the water is boiling, add the cuttlefish. After about 5 minutes the cuttle bones come out (those are the white objects floating at the back of the pot, there is one in each cuttlefish) reduce heat to a simmer and cook for another 5 minutes or until tender. Taste the broth (it is black) and adjust taste with salt as desired.
  • Typically served over rice with some broth.


The cuttlefish cost me 80 Baht/kilo. For 4 servings, this is about 60 cents per serving.