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Thai Beer Reviews

I started visiting Thailand in 1986, fell in love with the place, and after visiting yearly for many years, I moved here in Dec 2005 after I retired from the Navy. I have tasted a few of the beers available.




I drank this in 1986-1987. Probably the most bitter beer I have ever drank, my only experience with this was looking for another beer to try.


This is the lighter version of Singha, and brewed by Boon Rawd Brewery like Singha. This is my beer of choice now, if it by chance warms a little before finishing, it is still refreshing to drink.


This was my beer of choice for many years, even have to the logo tattooed on the back of my right hand. This is a smooth tasting lager brewed with European hops and barley grown in Thailand. One thing I learned with this lager was it is excellent when chilled, but as soon as it warms just a little bit, it is nearly undrinkable. Brewed by the Boon Rawd Brewery.

Lee Thayer 2020/09/08 07:04

thai_beers.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/08 07:05 by Lee Thayer

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