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Govt Commodities

'Commodities' are handed out in nearly all states to low income people and senior citizens and help offset grocery bills. Much of this is canned goods and dry goods. The items are good, flavorful, and from what I have seen, low sodium as well for canned goods. My parents get these items quarterly, a large box worth, about 50 lbs easily. Being in the US since the end of June 2019 for an extended vacation, I have been using some of these items and incorporating them into existing recipes or finding and testing new recipes. Use the commodities as ingredients to create other dishes and you can reduce your grocery bill a little.

Thailand has the same idea of this that is handed out during emergencies, and much of those items are dry rice, canned rice, canned mackerel, dry noodles, and cooking oils.

The following is a list of recipes that I have prepared from these commodities. A trick with commodities, as the flavors may not be on par with name or even store brands, is to use them as an ingredient in a dish not as the sole item in a dish.

As you browse the list you will see some recipes may use multiple items, which is a bonus for you to put a meal together for even less cost.

Not every item listed here is in every commodity box, example is one time a box may contain tuna, and another time it may contain chicken.

Latest recipes tested and added are at the top of each list.

Lee Thayer 2021/10/25 01:47

Canned Meats

Canned Fish







Peanut Butter

Trail Mix

Instant Mashed Potatoes / Dry Pasta

Condensed Soups

Canned Beans / Dry Beans / Dry Peas

dry_canned_goods.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/25 01:47 by Lee Thayer

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