**Thai Beer Reviews** I started visiting Thailand in 1986, fell in love with the place, and after visiting yearly for many years, I moved here in Dec 2005 after I retired from the Navy. I have tasted a few of the beers available. ==== Archa ==== ==== Chang ==== ==== Kloster ==== I drank this in 1986-1987. Probably the most bitter beer I have ever drank, my only experience with this was looking for another beer to try. {{ :leo-beer.jpg?200|}}==== Leo ==== This is the lighter version of Singha, and brewed by Boon Rawd Brewery like Singha. This is my beer of choice now, if it by chance warms a little before finishing, it is still refreshing to drink. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ :singha.png?200|}}==== Singha ==== This was my beer of choice for many years, even have to the logo tattooed on the back of my right hand. This is a smooth tasting lager brewed with European hops and barley grown in Thailand. One thing I learned with this lager was it is excellent when chilled, but as soon as it warms just a little bit, it is nearly undrinkable. Brewed by the Boon Rawd Brewery. --- //[[simplewebs@protonmail.com|Lee Thayer]] 2020/09/08 07:04//