==== Page 698, Zucchini Casserole I ==== {{ :2021-07-28_15.19.42_dscn8042.jpg?400|}}I made this as written on 28 Jul 2021. The original recipe did not state how big or small to make the cubed zucchini so I went with ½ inch cubes, which were perfect. I cut part of a large zucchini into ½ inch slices then cubed each slice. The preparation is quick and easy, common ingredients. There is a hint of green bell pepper flavor through, giving the dish excellent flavor. The zucchini, since it is not boiled first is firm but tender, very nice texture. This is a great change from basic fried zucchini. I recategorized this dish as a side dish and not a main dish. [[http://thailand1dollarmeals.com/2021/07/24/zucchini-casserole-i/|Zucchini Casserole I]] recipe is now on the site. [[favorite_recipes_1981#casseroles|Return to Casseroles index.]] --- //[[simplewebs@protonmail.com|Lee Thayer]] 2021/07/28 16:35//