==== Page 250, Smokey Link Casserole ==== {{ :2021-09-28_15.16.19_dscn0497.jpg?400|}}I made this on 28 Sep 2021 after reading it in the cookbook the day before. Mine did not thicken but the flavor was excellent. You can use a choice of condensed soups for this, cream of chicken, mushroom, or celery, and I used celery for my first time making it. The soup gives an excellent flavor. Also in the recipe it was stated 1 soup can (1ΒΌ cups) of milk, I used half & half instead and that worked perfectly, and I updated the recipe with that as well. This casserole is quick to assemble, just add everything to a mixing bowl, stir together, pour into the casserole, and bake. There was no time stated on the original recipe so I went with 30 minutes, then continued to 40 minutes and the top was just starting to brown. I think next time I will bake for 60 and see how that affects the thickness of the dish. Overall, an easy and excellent tasting casserole. [[http://thailand1dollarmeals.com/2021/09/27/smokey-link-casserole/|Smokey Link Casserole]] recipe is on the site. [[favorite_recipes_1981#meat_seafood_poultry|Return to Meat, Seafood, Poultry index.]] --- //[[simplewebs@protonmail.com|Lee Thayer]] 2021/09/28 18:35//