==== Page 135, Onion Vegetable Bake ==== {{ :2021-05-23_16.29.37_dscn7484.jpg?400|}}This is basically what most people know as 'Green Bean Casserole' which is always good, but this does not use French cut green beans, and I am not sure which originated first. The recipe gives tips on the amount of vegetables to use whether using frozen, canned, or fresh. For convenience I will use canned for the cut beans and carrots, and frozen for the broccoli and Brussels sprouts, when I return to Thailand I will use all fresh vegetables that you cook prior to preparing the dish. //The cream of celery soup and carrots is what is pictured here.// I made the cream of celery soup and carrots version on 16 May 2021 for the family as a side dish, they absolutely loved it! There was five of us trying this and we cleared out over half of a 1½ quart casserole dish. For the carrots I used canned. If you like green bean casserole, this version is highly recommended. I made the cream of mushroom soup and cut green beans version on 13 Jun 2021 for the family, it is very much like green bean casserole but I liked this one as the beans are heartier. I will be making this often. On 20 Jun 2021 I made the cream of chicken soup and cut broccoli version, and it was a hit, the family loved it. This will be made often. The Cheddar cheese soup and Brussels sprouts version was made on 30 Jun 2021, and was very well liked by my parents, both having big servings. This will be a common dish now. [[http://thailand1dollarmeals.com/2021/05/10/onion-vegetable-bake/|Onion Vegetable Bake]] recipe is now on the site. **Options Tested** ^ Tested ^ Soup ^ Liquid ^ Vegetable ^ | ✔ | cream of mushroom | milk | cut green beans | | ✔ | cream of celery | light cream | sliced carrots | | ✔ | cream of chicken | plain yogurt | cut broccoli | | ✔ | Cheddar cheese | sour cream | Brussels sprouts | [[campbell_s_creative_cooking_with_soup_1985#accompaniments|Return to Accompaniments index.]] --- //[[simplewebs@protonmail.com|Lee Thayer]] 2021/06/30 16:44//