==== Page 106, Cheesy Rice Bake ==== {{ :dscn7512.jpg?400|}}This is a very easy casserole to put together. Range of options available to change this up every time you prepare this. I made this on 6 Nov 2022 using the creamy chicken mushroom soup, along with salmon, mixed vegetables, and Parmesan cheese. Excellent taste and well liked by the family. I look forward to testing the other options, particularly the cheese and ham option, as that sounds really good. [[http://thailand1dollarmeals.com/2021/07/03/cheesy-rice-bake/|Cheesy Rice Bake]] recipe is on the site. **Options Tested** ^ Tested ^ Soup ^ Protein ^ Vegetable ^ Cheese ^ | | cream of mushroom | salmon | peas | Cheddar | | | condensed tomato soup | cooked beef | kernel corn | Mozzarella | | | Cheddar cheese soup | cooked ham | spinach | Parmesan | | | cream of onion | kidney beans | diced tomato | Colby | | ✔ | creamy chicken mushroom* | salmon | mixed vegetables | Parmesan | * This soup was added by me, readily available in Thailand. [[campbell_s_creative_cooking_with_soup_1985#main_dishes|Return to Main Dishes index.]] --- //[[simplewebs@protonmail.com|Lee Thayer]] 2022/11/06 20:26//