Dumpling Egg Soup I
Dumpling Egg Soup I
I got this from a friend, who had an Asian friend make this soup for him, and as my friend calls it, 'comfort soup, right up there with chicken noodle soup'. My friend never kept the recipe and just goes by how he remembers it, and it not only looks great, it tastes great! This is a simple to prepare soup with plenty of nutrients. I will be making several versions of this easy and delicious soup. This recipe is assuming you have dumplings (or wontons) ready made or already homemade and on hand, and hard boiled eggs on hand as well.
- 3 cups beef broth, fresh or from powder
- 2-3 vegetable dumplings, or wontons
- 3 hard boiled eggs, peeled, chicken or duck
- 1 small potato, cut into 1 inch pieces
- 2-3 spring onions, 1-2 chopped, 1 for the side
- salt, to taste
- Add the broth to a small sauce pan and add the potato and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer until the potato pieces are almost fork tender, 8-10 minutes or so.
- Just when the potatoes are almost fork tender, add the eggs. Let this simmer for another 5-10 minutes or so to finish cooking the potatoes and to heat the eggs through.
- For the dumplings or wontons, you can do this two ways. You can pan fry the dumplings first then add to the broth, or for raw wontons, you can just add to the broth when you add the eggs and let them cook that way. (And I totally forgot to add the wontons that I made just 2 hours before.)
- When the potato is tender, season with salt as desired, scoop the potato, eggs, and dumplings or wontons into a bowl, ladle over plenty of broth, top with 1 or 2 chopped spring onion.
- Serve with a spring onion or two on the side.
Low cost.
Shortcuts: Perfect Hard Boiled Chicken Eggs, Perfect Hard Boiled Duck Eggs, Vegetable Wontons.
Recipe provided courtesy of good friend, Drew Padilla.
United States.
United States.
I made this on 14 Dec 2017 (and forgot the wontons like an idiot since they were right on the counter next to the stove), and it easy and quick, excellent flavor and well liked by my wife as well. This is very versatile and I will be make several more versions of this delicious soup in the next few days.